Been a while since this section had a good old fashioned palate cleanser, so you’re welcome in advance! So I’ll make this prologue a quick one as I think this positivity blog post speaks for itself. I cover three different ways the universe may be reaching out, and how to properly recognize and absorb the […]
^ Traveling While Healthy…
…was back in the day somewhat of a trial in and of itself. It was easy when you were younger and your parents would pack you and your siblings up in their oversized Olds; coolers filled with soda and a bag full of snacks that was the absolute opposite of healthy. Your mom would light […]
^ Be The Energy You Want To Attract
Palate cleansing time people! Which is to say, I wanted to give this second article I wrote time to cycle through the wonderfully patient and gracious positivity blogs that published it before. Though their reach is a good bit bigger than TAV’s, I did want to get it up here because the message is […]
^ Destiny’s Energy: Where Does It Guide
Every now and then palate cleansers are a nice way to start fresh, at least for people who have actual palates… Where as if you live on PBnJ cheerios and dark chocolate with granola, your taste buds are so underdeveloped there’s little reason to cleanse. (#IKnowAGuy #ImTheGuy) That’s all to say that this posting […]
^ Being An Eye Guy…
…means that’s usually the first thing I notice on people and not say, whatever is the “in” section at that moment. Now it’s somewhat stereotypical to be a guy and focusing on the visual, but I feel confident enough that admitting as much won’t throw Earth off it’s axis. If nothing else, it’s funny how […]
^ Like An Episode of Seinfeld…
…when he watched Poppy leave the bathroom without washing his hands, I made a double take just the same when this brunette gave me a nod and a half smile, leaving a sweaty machine in her wake. It was quite the quandary for any number of reasons. First, if she was some dude, would I […]
^ Childless Adults: The New Smokers?
Whether you’re as barren as the Mohave or have swimmers that are about as mobile as I am after leg night, I share your pain my childless brothers and sisters… Cast to the outskirts of society like smokers are now; having to put up with the mosquitoes in the summer or cold blooded mosquitoes in […]
^ If You’re Not Sweating, Do it Better…
…at least that’s what I learned the hard way. As a good portion of these observations have, you know, observed, gyms are an interesting place. The dynamic of people from all walks of life and demographics, combined with sweat and grunting, really sets these places apart from others. Except from maybe a locker room after […]
^ This is For You Pinterest!
5907610f36fd4b37a0a4330613a3d2b3 That is all. (What? It’s so they can work their tech dealies at HQ (that’s headquarters) and help get TAV verified, again… Due to the recent tech issues; which is one part increase in traffic (good!) and other part user error (not good.) Oh and while I’m at it, how do you say Pinterest […]
^ Yep, I’m a Club Guy Now…
…how could I not be when I go to a place with very loud music, mostly drek. The people around me are all hopped up and a good bit sweaty. The girls all have on tight clothes, pants related to the yoga family, and the guys wear tight T-shirts with a half pound of product […]