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^ This is For You Pinterest!

^ This is For You Pinterest!

5907610f36fd4b37a0a4330613a3d2b3 That is all. (What? It’s so they can work their tech dealies at HQ (that’s headquarters) and help get TAV verified, again… Due to the recent tech issues; which is one part increase in traffic (good!) and other part user error (not good.) Oh and while I’m at it, how do you say Pinterest […]

^ It Was Too Anti Rat…

^ It Was Too Anti Rat…

…but that’s because my niece was a rat, so I was naturally biased. That is the play I went to tonight that she was in. Sitting on a bench with no back with her parents and some other family members, I gotta say she knocked her lines out of the park! (That’s a baseball reference… […]